
Thursday, 11 October 2012

Birthday time

Yes today is my birthday. I have this top three birthday party basics I would like to have here right now. The leopard balloons are the best thing EVER.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Peanuts and Twin Peaks

I was reading some Twin Peaks related blogs and posts and found this great picture! They are the Peanuts characters dressed as the Twin Peaks ones. How cool is that? My favourite is Snoopy playing the Cooper role. 

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Alice freebies share

I love Alice in Wonderland. I have a few interesting links to Alice freebies in all shapes and forms. So I decided to post 10 of them here, sharing is love, isn't it?  

Friday, 5 October 2012

Reality tv

I am addicted to Say Yes to the Dress. Hell's Kitchen and Masterchef seasons are done so I had to look for some other realities to watch. So I did a research online. I have seen a few Say Yes to the Dress shows on tv, but now I am watching the rest of them online. I love realities with happy endings: Restaurant Impossible, Biggest Loser, Extreme Makeover Home Edition, Dog Whisperer, Hotel Hell and so on. I am not a fan of weddings or bridal dresses but the show is really good! I just have a few episodes left to watch so soon I'll be searching for a new show.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

I'm back!

It's been a long time. I have been changing the blog layout today, it's still a work in progress, but I am enjoying it. In the last months I have been to Manchester and London and had lots of fun. Also finished a novel, but I am still waiting for publishers to have a look at it. Last week I saw the Manic Street Preachers live in Barcelona, also met a nice online friend named Chloe and went mojito drinking. Today I lost my mothers Roomba vaccum cleaning robot and it was really hard to find, it like having a mouse having a walk around the house and hiding in dark corners. Well, the last story about the robot wasn't worth a post. I might go on Tuesday to Sitges Film Festival to see a film, haven't decided which one yet! You may be wondering why I chose that image for the post, no reason really, just because Sitges' is a horror film festival.

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